Jumat, 04 November 2011


i dunno how to described him.but at least he's ever meant so much to me.
this is my conffension maybe i must got my karma .hmmm.... i knew karma is what you give,what you get because before i knew him,i ever mock him when he's taken with my friend. 
i still rememmber when i'm after broke up with my ex-boyf i can't moved on but suddenly God sent me someone like him. First time i saw him.i never had any idea if he'll became part of memmories in my life.he and me just classmate but we're often to spent a lot of time together like attended the concert,worked on group work together,sharred something,heard silly jokes from him,chat everyday until latenight,and we ever had soccer betting hahahaha.
Suddenly we're getting further because our friends always mocks us.he's never greet me again,ask me to betting,etc.be honestly, i feel lose and i'm confused what happend with him.but i started to realize am i fallen for him?. i tried many ways to made me getting closer with him like we used to.and finnally we're getting closer again but did you know
i'm tired&i'm exchausted to make our relations better like we used to.he's suddenly indifferent with me.in the middle of my sadness God sent me new moodbooster.i feel comfort with him&i've allready forgot about him.but as soon as possible he's came again.he's change became care about me like he used to when the first time we're getting closer.And this time to made me very verryyyy verryy confused who will i choosen.and i asked the fortune teller,they're said "they're  allready loved you but HIM better to you but your relationship won't to be longlast".and finnally in saturday morning he said that he love me&ask me to be his girlf.i  really really happy,excited,pleasure&i'm so glad .this is the word that i waitted for 8 month.i felt like i'm in dream but this is real.day by day we're passed together.we spent a lot of time together again.he drove his car to picked up me at my friend's house when we're went to restaurant,we were hiking together,we had the amazing vocation in another city without our parents, he's the always told me "i love you"everyday,he always made tweet somethin cute in his twitter for me,we spent all night long together,he's like to made silly jokes to made me laugh over loud,he's played his guitar,he sang me the song,he's save me,he always made me comfort beside him and  he made me feel warm in the cold.

for the thousand time he was changed again.he just quiet when i'm with him,he lose&he's indiffrent with me.i dunno what's the happened with him.if i said "what's happend with you?" he always said '"no,i'm fine or no,i'm well or no,i'm haven't problem."but he's still look indifferent with me. actually in that's time i really mad at him,i'm bored with him,i'm getting hurt,i wanna cleared our relationship but my friends prevent me to take that desicion,i'm conffused what will gonna done.i guess patient enough with him.and finnally we're broke up&we've done.i really dissapointed with him.when have a trouble in my life, i really need his support but he has gone with unfaithfull reason.first time our farewell i always fallen my tears&day by day i passed with feelling blue.with the support&motivations from everyone who get closser with me.especially from my besties i can through my day,i can survive&i'm stronger than he know cause i think with or without him life must go on&i believe that you have another girl who can replace my position in your heart,at least she more more more than me&you've already forgot me.now,i'm feel habitual without you cause i get another pleasure from another peoples.now,we gone with own way to catch better future.i want to let go.i don't want to stuck in the momment. all the things that we used together it's just a memmories.i'm so  gratitude with him cause he want ever to be mine and i trust Allah will prepared a beautifull plans to us .goodbyeee Lazuardi Iqbal Zuliantomo .... <3
Let's you check there's all about you on my binder.maybe until now you don't know i ever made this for ya -_-".

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